The Project

IMAGIT is a cultural project of international cooperation dedicated to creative communication.
The project brings together artists, designers, researchers and technology experts in order to explore possibilities of non-verbal digital expression across various media platforms. One of the major challenges is to propose a functional, yet symbolic communication tool that would stimulate social interactions and allow for expanded understanding of community behaviour.
The project consists of research and development phases together with public events (e.g. exhibitions), educational opportunities (e.g. workshops) and student exchanges as well as artistic residencies.







February 16-17, 2017

Meeting in Karlsruhe

IMAGIT status meeting contained of a recap of mutual activities, catch up with the programmers on app development and drafting the strategy for the final presentation. The participants joined the conference “Potential Spaces” in order to the project stream how a possible transfer of the studies and research in art and design could look like in the future, including a lecture by Miklos Peternak of the Imagit consortium.

December 20, 2016

Very Christmas Lounge Table Dinner

Event took place within the annual winter exhibition of HfG Karlsruhe, this year in form of a festive lounge and dinner event with presentations of ongoing student-works. A special highlight in regards to Imagit has been occurred by a musical performance by Walls & Birds, based on interactions between the app-using audience and the performers themselves.

November 22-23, 2016

Meeting in HUFA

The second status meeting in Budapest contained three major topics: Recap of previous activities by all partners, discussing open issues in research and development and fixing single steps for the next month. The working process has been enriched by inspiring interactions with involved students from HUFA and HfG, highlighted by the exhibition “Beyond the Words”.

June 2016

Workshop at Goulash Programmers Night

Public Workshop with took place at GPN 2016 in Karlsruhe - one of the biggest events for programmers among Europe. Within the frame, members of the IMAGIT-team presented conceptual ideas at well frequented workshop including a livid discussion with experts about goals and challenges of realisation.

April 27-29, 2016

Conference in Barcelona

We are proud to present and debate our early research outcomes as well as first prototypes of the mobile application in the framework of “Interface Politics” conference.

December 2015 & January 2016

Brainstorming in Prague

As a follow-up of the student seminar and exhibition as well as the workshop in Barcelona, expert team started the process of design conceptualization. What can we do with given resources in this time framework? And the first mind maps appeared…

December 2015

Workshop in Barcelona

The Encontres e-rregulars created a space for debate and encounter aimed at exploring tactics capable of reflexively react to the urgencies opened by the current digital paradigm from the artistic practices.

December 2015

Exhibition in Karlsruhe

Involving students is one important part of our activities. Already in December, students had an opportunity to reflect on the general concept of Digital Symbolism and capable to create and present early ideas for the application.

October 2015

Student Seminar in Karlsruhe

Within the curriculum of Prof. Michael Bielicky students worked during the whole semester on ideas and concepts of global and symbolic communication tools in the frame of digital media.

October 2015

Meeting in Karlsruhe

Our consortium met in order to kick-off the project. Face-to-face, we developed into detail our plans and brainstormed about the best possible outputs and how to communicate them.